Online experiment - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_psychoJS')

URL of experiment: study_one [PsychoPy]

Hi there,

I’ve built an experiment in builder and managed to sucessfully link it to pavlovia. At the start of my experiment is an info sheet and then a survey before moving to the first task. The info sheet and survey run fine. The first tiral of the task loads and then when I click a stimuli (i’m in pilot mode testing it) I get the following error:

  • TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘_psychoJS’)

All the files relavent to the experiment are in both the pavlovia code repository and are also in my local file.

I’m new so any help is very appreciated.


Hi Charlotte, did you get a solution to this? We have a similar issue with a survey but currently have no answer: Error after embedded survey before online experiment