URL of experiment: new_game [PsychoPy]
Description of the problem: I was given a PsychoPy python script, which I recreated in the builder (
new_game_test.psyexp (33.6 KB)). This works in PsychoPy locally (although PsychoPy freezes upon completion of the experiment, not sure why).
I recreated it in the builder so I could go on to make it available online, however the new JS experiment does not work (link to it above, and the file here:
new_game.psyexp (44.2 KB)).
I know some of the original Python code doesn’t translate (like the numpy function and such), but I’m not familiar enough with any of the languages to understand what’s going on.
I’ve added a screenshot of the errors I get below. Any chance someone can help me make sense of this at all?
Thanks in advance!