Nothing but background after start, no demos working either

Did you fix the problem? You can’t possibly wait 20 mins every time you run an experiment. I have the same issue, and I am wondering whether the problem can be resolved if I wait long enough. My experiment worked fine with other computers but this one. Should I just switch the computer…?

At the end, I switched the OS of the laptop from Windows to Ubuntu. Then it runs fine.

If you have multiple graphic cards on your system, either try

  1. Running the program with your discrete GPU (check this page)
  2. Disable your secondary GPU from BIOS.

In my case both Intel HD graphics and NViDIA GT740M are present.
Running Psychopy with NVIDIA GPU solved the issue.
However, I preferred turning it off in the BIOS menu. This way, Psychopy had no problem with Intel HD graphics and the problem was solved.

Hi all, I have the same problem. I first used my tasks on a Windows 10 laptop, and used an external screen to run them and everything worked.

Now we want to get rid of the laptop and attached a pc with windows 10 to the screen. When I installed Psychopy (2020.10.2 just as we had on the laptop), all tasks work until I restart the PC. Then I get the grey screen, pressing escape does not work and after exiting the task I get this message:

Does anyone know how to solve this problem and get the tasks working on the PC?

Hi all, this morning I went to the lab and tested again, everything worked! I really don’t understand…

Does anyone have an idea what this error from yesterday could mean? It makes me a bit nervous that I don’t know this because I don’t want this to happen when participants come in…

Best wishes, Sanne