NotAllowedError when attempting to play MovieStim on mobile device

Hey everyone
I want to play an instruction movie in our online experiment that will be conducted using cell phones or tablets. The movie plays perfectly when piloting on my laptop (using firefox or google chrome), but the error message below appears when piloting on my iPhone (using safari or chrome):

  • when attempting to play MovieStim: movieTEST
  • NotAllowedError: The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.

I allowed pop-ups for google chrome on my iPhone as in another post it was suggested this might have been the problem. In addition, I have tried to add a line of code in which the movie only plays under the condition a button is clicked on as suggested somewehre else. That made no difference.

The movie is in mp4 and I have set the size to a displayble width and heigth.

Any additonal tips are more than welcome.

Best wishes,

Hi there @MaMorand,

Which version of PsychoPy are you currently using?



Hey @Kimberley_Dundas
I am using PsychoPy v2022.2.4 (the newest?).

Best wishes,

Hi @MaMorand,

Thank so much. Would you be able to share your .psyexp file so that I can take a look? For now you don’t need to share any supporting resources etc., just the experiment itself is fine.



Hey @Kimberley_Dundas
As the experiment is not finished yet, I have added a place holder where the movie will be. It works remotely as well as on pavlovia when piloting with my laptop. On my mobile device it didn’t work. I have added you on gitlab as a project member. However, I’m not sure which role you need to have, to be able to look at it.

Best wishes,

And here’s the .psyexp file:
Deutsch-Alpha1-v2.psyexp (75.8 KB)

The movie is in the third routine.

Thanks so much @MaMorand,

I can’t see the files in the gitlab project, but I should be fine with the .psyexp file. I’ll take a look and get back to you asap :slight_smile:

Thanks again,


Sorry for the multiple messages @MaMorand, but can I just check - this doesn’t look like the version where you’ve added the button clicked fix, is that correct? Do you still have that version by any chance? No problem if not!

No worries, @Kimberley_Dundas.
No I don’t have that version anymore as it did not make any difference, I have deleted it again.

@Kimberley_Dundas do you have any ideas how to solve the issue? Or any tipps on what else I could try changing? Or did anybody else have similar issues?

Best wishes,

I am having the same issue. Mine works on a desktop and android mobile but not on an iphone. The iphone user gets the same error .

Hi @MaMorand and @gdumkri,

I’ve done some testing myself and this looks like a bug occurring on iPhones only, following one of their security updates. Thank you so much for bringing it to our attention! The ‘good’ news is that I’m able to replicate your issue exactly, and have passed this on to our web development team who are working on a fix.

If I find a workaround in the meantime (or certainly if anyone else does) I’ll be sure to let you know. Otherwise the fix will be implemented on the PsychoJS side and so shouldn’t require you to do anything to your experiment, it should just work as expected once the fix is in place.

Thank you so much again, I’ll be back in touch soon!


Hey @Kimberley_Dundas
Thank you very much for the update. Looking forward to the news once it’s fixed. Luckily, we plan on conducting the experiment not in the very near future. Also good to know that it’s only an iPhone problem (thank you @gdumkri).

Best wishes,

Hi @MaMorand ,
To clarify, it seems it doesn’t work on any Apple device. We’ve tested it on an iphone and an ipad.

@Kimberley_Dundas I am also having this issue and wanted to add that in my case the video works on ipad mini (ipadOS 15.7.3), but not on iphone (iOS 16.3.1).


I keep running into the same issue on an iPad. Has anyone found a solution?

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Same problem here…any solution…the movie stim does not work on safari but it works on chrome (both tested on the same mac). Psychopy version 2022.1.4

Hi there, I’m still having this issue as of June 2023. Did you ever find a solution? I’m getting the error on an iPad using the Safari and Chrome browsers.

I have not found a solution yet. Probably will need to work with android tablets which is anoying. However, I haven’t tried it lately as other issues within the project were more pressing in the meantime.

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All of a sudden it seems to work on google chrome now apparently. But I cannot tell what I’ve changed to make it work unfortunately, as i made several changes in the meantime - maybe it wasn’t me afterall :slight_smile: