I’ve had a look and this is a known issue.
You might be able to work around it by setting autoPlay = False at the start of the routine until a play button is pressed and using Chrome instead of Safari.
Here are some links about the issue:
← lightest:CU-862j0cfkw_iphone_video_fix
opened 06:37PM - 21 Feb 23 UTC
ServerManager downloads videos and saves them as PIXI.Texture. MovieStim prepare… d to work with texture resource.
Hey everyone
I want to play an instruction movie in our online experiment that will be conducted using cell phones or tablets. The movie plays perfectly when piloting on my laptop (using firefox or google chrome), but the error message below appears when piloting on my iPhone (using safari or chrome):
when attempting to play MovieStim: movieTEST
NotAllowedError: The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.
Minimal demo video_iphone [PsychoPy]