Not able to move experiment from "Piloting" to "Running"

jsPsych version (e.g. 7.3.1):
Hi everyone,

I’m trying to move an experiment in “Running” stage, since it’s working fine in “Piloting”. But I keep getting this error:

[500] “unable to create a GitLab webhook: string indices must be integers” ( #None )

If the error persists, contact Pavlovia’s administrator.

Full description:

{ “error”: “[500] "unable to create a GitLab webhook: string indices must be integers" ( #None )” }

Any idea why? And how can I fix this?

Is your username (or the experiment name) a number?

No. Only letters and the experiment name has a space.

Do you have any working jsPsych experiments? Can you try a minimal one with and without a space in the experiment name?

I don’t know jsPsych so I am helping here based on first principles.

I figured out the error is with the following code, I am able to move to “Running” after removing this:

var test = {
  type: jsPsychImageButtonResponse,
  stimulus: jsPsych.timelineVariable('stimulus'),
  choices: [
        '<div style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 48%; height: 100vh;">f</div>',  // Transparent div for left half
        '<div style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; width: 48%; height: 100vh;">j</div>'  // Transparent div for right half
  button_html: '<button class="jspsych-btn" style="opacity: 0;">%choice%</button>',
  data: function() {
    var trialData = {
      task: 'response',
      correct_response: jsPsych.timelineVariable('correct_response')
    // Retrieve ID data from previous responses
    var idData ={trial_type: 'survey-text'}).last(1).values()[0];
    if (idData) {
      trialData.StudyID = idData.StudyID;
      trialData.School = idData.School;
      trialData.Grade = idData.Grade;
    return trialData;
  on_finish: function(data) {
    var response = data.response;
    var correct_response = jsPsych.timelineVariable('correct_response', true);
    var is_correct = (response === correct_response);

In PsychoJS it wouldn’t be possible to do this. Try your code without trying to access files on the server.