What are you trying to achieve?:
I need to show just 1 image out of 4 before proceeding to a task. The image itself is not a task.
What did you try to make it work?:
Looping with 4 conditions, systematically.
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
all images shown.
I am very new to psychopy and am needing to show just 1 out of 4 images before my participants progress in the task. I have managed to make everything for my main task in the GUI builder, but cannot seem to show just 1 image in the beginning.
I’ve made a dummy version here for the problem I’m having:
these are my image and loop settings with dummy flow at the bottom^
This is my excel sheet^
Is there some coding or settings that can help me to systematically show each participant only 1 of the images before they do the task? (i.e. pp1 sees img1, pp2 sees img2, pp3 sees img3, pp4 sees img4, pp5 sees img1, pp6 sees img2 … etc).
Thanks in advance!
Hi @genrecore,
If I’ve understood correctly, you don’t need these images to be randomly allocated to participants? If that is the case, you could:
- Add a field to the pop up that appears at the start of the experiment (accessed via Experiment Settings) that is called something like
Chat Image
for example.
- Then you could create a drop down for this which contains the number of the image you want to use, for example:
['1', '2', '3']
- Then, in the Image field of your image component where you want that image to be used, you can use the chosen number to present your image by entering
$'test\images\chatbot' + expInfo['Chat Image'] + '.png'
What this will do is concatenate the information you’ve chosen at the start of the experiment (i.e., the number 1-3 in the example here), with the rest of your filepath for the image and present just that to your participant.
I hope I’ve understood correctly, and that this helps!
This has worked perfectly, thank you!
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