Missing data file

Hi Brianna,

The summary on your dashboard should update based on when the link to your experiment was clicked. However the data files are saved at a different point. When your participant finishes the experiment they will see a yellow box warning them to wait a moment as the data saves this will be followed by a green box that reads something like ‘thank you for your patience’.

If the data are not saved this could mean a number of things:

  1. the participant closed the tab the experiment was running in before the data could be saved (but in cases like this, a warning message is presented that reads ‘unsaved data may be lost are you sure you want to leave’ - so unless your participant pressed yes, this is unlikely)
  2. your participant closed the whole browser before the data could be saved.
  3. internet connection cut out at the point where the data were sent back to pavlovia.

Perhaps you could check in with your participant if they saw the yellow ‘data saving’ warning message, followed by a green thankyou message? if they saw the former but not the later it could mean the window was closed prematurely.
