I am having a problem recording audio responses on builder.
I get the mic result folder empty.
I tried to make the recording limited to specific seconds, but that did not solve the problem. I also added a keyboard key that forces to stop the routine, and that also did not work!
I am using PsychoPy v2021.2.3
I have a MacBook (Catalina, 10.15.7)
And I get this message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Users/Documents/audio recording_lastrun.py”, line 227, in
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/psychopy/sound/microphone.py”, line 803, in stop
“Cannot stop a stream that has not been started.”)
psychopy.sound.exceptions.AudioStreamError: Cannot stop a stream that has not been started.
Experiment ended.
Does your Microphone component have start time set to be a condition? It may be that that condition isn’t hit on one trial and so the mic is never started, causing the error when it comes time to stop. Could you share the psyexp file?
I have almost the same problem: I’m building a verbal fluency task in which I have to record the participant’s responses (voice). When the experiment finishes, the audio files go to my data folder, but they’re all ‘empty’. It shows that that are audio files there, but they don’t play. Do you know what it could be? I’m struggling with that it’s been weeks.
Yes, the speaking start/stop time is checked on my mic!
I also selected ‘wav’ output file type and on Hardware → sample rate I selected 'Voice (16 kHz). It works on Pavlovia very well! I hope that helps!
Speaking Start / Stop Times is different from the start time of the Microphone - Speaking Start / Stop Times means “Store when the participants started speaking (yes/no)”, what I’m referring to is the start time of the Component. This is the first parameter on the Basic tab
Hello @TParsons I’m having approximately the same issue , with empty recording files , and it seems I can’t identify what is the issue is ,
I’m trying to record audio from a microphone, but unfortunately, the files are empty. I have made several attempts to solve this issue, such as specifying the duration as 8 seconds when the length of the video is 8, but the problem seems to occur when I connect to the sound card (Scarlett 2i2). If I use the Mac without any sound card, it plays normally through headphones and records audio from the laptop.
I have a similar experiment that uses an audio component instead of a video component, and it works normally. What can be the issue, and how can I solve it?