Make PsychoPy builder detect touchscreen

OS : Windows 11
PsychoPy version : 2023.2.3
Standard Standalone? : y

Hi, I am using PsychoPy builder to run the experiment. I have a touchscreen laptop which I’d like to use for the experiments. In the documentation, it says:

Mouse responses register as touch responses on touch screen devices, so they do make for a more portable online study.

How do I make the PsychoPy builder detect my touchscreen? Does this work in the standalone program or do I have to pay for the subscription and run it on Pavlovia Cloud to get the touchscreen working?

As far as I know you do not need to do anything extra to detect your touchscreen. It should work with both offline on Standalone and online on Pavlovia. Just code your experiment using mouse components and any touches to the screen will be registered as mouse clicks.

Hope this answers your question,


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To use a touchscreen locally you might need to use contains/hover code rather than clicks. My experience is that locally you have to stroke the screen to register a click.

Got the solution. To whoever has issues: The touchscreen only works with the Javascript (local or pavlovia in browser) backend. DO NOT USE THE PYTHON BACKEND IF YOU WANT PROPER TOUCH CONTROLS.

By proper I mean, no double tap or stroking. The browser version just works.