Make one word bold in the stimuli

Dear all,

Is there a way to make several words of the text in the excel files in the builder bold as follows?

  1. Memory (Automatic recall of the fact, you didn’t need to work out the answer)
  2. Transform and calculate (e.g., Transform ‘Monday + 2 days’ into ‘1+2 = 3’ and get the answer)
  3. Count ( e.g., ‘March + 2 months’ is ‘March’, ‘April’, ‘May’, so the answer the May)

The text properties and loop properties are showed below:


Hi there, you can use the textbox component to type in specifically which words you want to be in bold and click on bold under the formatting tab and position the rest of the string after those words.

Alternatively, you can create images of the words(with the specific words bolded) and include them in your excel sheet and present them like I assume you are currently doing with your text.

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Hi Suelynnmah,

Where is the textbox component? I am in the builder and fail to find the textbox component. Could you please take a picture of that? Many thanks.

suelynnmah via PsychoPy <> 于2021年11月23日周二 下午6:06写道:

What version of PsychoPy are you using? It should appear at the bottom of both stimuli and responses.

I tend to use images for text when I want formatting like this.


At the components panel, if you click on Stimuli (under Favourites), it the last component. You should be able to see it if you have the newest release (v2021.2.3).

But I do agree with @wakecarter that using images with formatted text is the most straightforward way of accomplishing this.

Thanks for your advice. I have succeed with images :slight_smile:

suelynnmah via PsychoPy <> 于2021年11月24日周三 上午1:00写道:

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