Loop was not conducted in online experiment

In my experiment, I set up a loop to show the stimuli stored in the excel file. The experiment is working fine locally. However, in online experiments, the loop showed just one stimulus and exit(Excel had 30 stimuli).

Does your routine end on a mouse press with no ITI?

Sorry, what do you mean by ITI?
The routine in the loop shows only the first stimulus and then jumps to the next routine

ITI means inter trial interval…a short gap between trials.

Does your trial end on a mouse press?

Does the next trial start immediately?

If so, then you need a gap to give time for the mouse button to be released.

There is no mouse press but my trial ended.
the first trial ran normally but then the loop ended instead of going to the next trial.

Please could you show your loop?

What ends your trial?

in console i only get this

this is my loop in psychopy

When you said that your loop ended, did you mean that your experiment crashed?

Try changing the allowed keys in your keyboard component to “constant”.

Your spreadsheet contains a parameter called Stimulus. Where does that get used? You refer to stimulus_value in your code component.

In fact, this may be due to a new bug whereby loops are not repeated if there is no response. It may be worth trying an earlier version of PsychoPy (via Experiment Settings / use version) until this is fixed.

Thank you very much for your patient help
The whole experiment didn’t crash, it just skipped the rest of the loop. But the loop did crash. ‘Stimulus’ in Excel was passed to the text in the keyboard component and displayed, so I defined it as “set every repeat.” I redefine stimulus_value in the code to determine which Stimulus is displayed (Stimulus has two types).
Different keyboard feedback will cause the feedback content to change, so I set it to “set every repeat”

It seems that I am experiencing the same issue. Could you please explain the method you mentioned in more detail?