Loop not working in Pavlovia

URL of experiment:


Description of the problem:

I have a simple experiment (created in Builder) that involves presentation of images in a loop, with file names from a spreadsheet. The experiment works fine on PsychoPy, but on Pavlovia, it exits out of the experiment as soon as it gets to the first loop. A message pops up asking if you are sure you want to exit the experiment, similar to what you’d get if you pressed escape. I am confused what the issue could be, as I have had success with very similar designs. I have tried using both .xlsx and .csv files and remaking the experiment on another computer. Nothing seems to work, and I am getting the same issue for a second experiment with different files. Please let me know if you have any ideas as to what could be causing this, as I need to get this study online ASAP. Thanks in advance!

Would the behaviour you’re experiencing fit with the response from the first trial being carried forward to the following trials such that each one is only displayed for 1 frame?

I know this thread is old but did you ever figure out what the issue was? I am having the same problem where my loop will end after 1 trial and the response from that 1 trial is repeated in the data for all of the trials. Everything works fine when running on psychopy but not when running it through pavlovia.

That sounds like you are ending the trial on a mouse response and don’t have an ITI so the subsequent trials are presented and ended before the first mouse button has been released.

Thank you so much for responding! The routine is currently set to end on a valid mouse click. How would I go about adding an ITI? I didn’t want to add a time limit on each routine. Here’s the link to the study if that helps: Pavlovia

Add a routine before the trial routine with a blank text component with a duration of 0.5 seconds. You might also want to add copies of any elements you want to stay on screen between trials .

That worked. Thank you so so much!