**Standalone PsychoPy3 for Mac
Hi everyone,
I am working on an experiment using the builder. Ive included a loop (Loop is called Trials) around code + image stimuli, where the code explains the precise and detailed way to select each image (it is somewhat complex as I need to select a specific number of male and females images and a specific number of affiliated emotions, all of which are randomized). I am wondering if in the Loop Trials, I can give the parameter “selected_rows” a variable $im_files that contains a specific list of paths of the images selected in the code, which in turn used a broader excelfile.
For now, I keep getting the same error:
"New error :
trialList=data.importConditions(‘Experiement_inputs/Faces_pix.xlsx’, selection=im_files),
File “/Applications/PsychoPy3.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/psychopy/data/utils.py”, line 381, in importConditions
TypeError: type str doesn’t define round method :
Hope this is clear. Thank you in advance!