I’m new to the tool Psychopy and is having some problem with it.
The version I’m using is Psychopy v3.1.2
I’m trying to build a face categorization experiment by showing two faces as cues and then giving one picture of the faces in a row after for the subjects to categorize the faces according to the two cues given before.
The conditional file is as shown below
what I want to achieve is to show two faces(Face0, Face100) and then randomized TargFace.
But I also want to randomize each block of data, too
For example when the FC0.jpg and FC100.jpg is shown as the cue, the randomized session of 10 pictures from FC0.jpg to FC75.jpg will follow. And then when the FA0.jpg and FA100.jpg is shown, the randomized session of 10 pictures from FA0.jpg to FA75.jpg will follow… and so on.
This is the flow chart for the experiment
and this is the code I wrote
in Begin Experiment
rowSelect=' '
cueSelect=' '
import random
i = 0
and in Begin Routine
nums = list(range(8))
random.shuffle(nums) #to randomize the order
while i < 8:
cueSelect = str(nums[i]*10+1) #to assign the randomized numbers to the excel rows
rowSelect = str(nums[i]*10+1) + ':' + str(nums[i]*10+10)
But in this code, the cue will be selected and randomized as I want it to be, but the following block of pictures will always be stuck at one block of 31:40
How to I fix this problem to get the result I want? Thank you faceCategory.xlsx (12.6 KB) faceExperiment_categorization_new.psyexp (55.1 KB)