URL of experiment: Nina Becker / associative_learning · GitLab
Description of the problem: I have a very simple experiment, in which I’m randomly looping through images. In total, there are 72 trials that are stored in an excel file which I’m linking to in the loop component. The routines within the loop are very simple image components. The experiment runs perfectly normal offline but when I run in online, the loop randomly skips one trial, i.e., instead of running 72 it only runs 71 trials.
The trial it leaves out is, as I said, completely random, i.e., it can be trial 16, 55 or 67. Since it does not leave out trial 72, I’m assuming that it does recognize all 72 trials from the list. It just doesn’t run the randomized list all the way to the end. I don’t get any error messages.
I have another set of experiments that have the same loop component and refer to the exact same excel file and in both of these experiments, the loop runs all trials, offline and online.
I’ve tried deleting the experiment several times, building it from scratch, duplicating one of the functioning experiments and simply adjusting the components that are different but it always only runs 71 trials instead of 72 in this particular setup.
Since I have not even the slightest idea how to trouble shoot this or where the problem could stem from, I’d very much appreciate any help on this.