Linux installing psychopy3.0.7 (with conda) - Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault

OS (linux Ubuntu 16.04)
PsychoPy version (3.0.7)

I’m trying to install psychopy on linux, and i did it, but it came in 1.8 version. Now i’m trying to install the psychopy 3 (for exploring pavlovia tool).

commands used. This commands are from in Anaconda and Miniconda section:

conda create -n psypy3 python=3.5

source activate psypy3

conda install -c anaconda requests #this command is for preventing an error

pip install PyPubSub #this command is for preventing an error

conda install numpy scipy matplotlib pandas pyopengl pillow lxml openpyxl xlrd configobj pyyaml gevent greenlet msgpack-python psutil pytables cffi seaborn wxpython cython future pyzmq pyserial

conda install -c conda-forge pyglet pysoundfile python-bidi moviepy pyosf

pip install zmq json-tricks pyparallel sounddevice pygame pysoundcard psychopy_ext psychopy

after all this commands i type psychopy for opening psychopy GUI (Builder), and get this StackTrace:

pygame 1.9.5
Hello from the pygame community.
Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault

Current thread 0x00007f8bc0802700 (most recent call first):
File “”, line 222 in _call_with_frames_removed
File “”, line 938 in create_module
File “”, line 577 in module_from_spec
File “”, line 666 in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 957 in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 968 in _find_and_load
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/sound/”, line 13 in
File “”, line 222 in _call_with_frames_removed
File “”, line 697 in exec_module
File “”, line 673 in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 957 in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 968 in _find_and_load
File “”, line 222 in _call_with_frames_removed
File “”, line 1015 in _handle_fromlist
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/sound/”, line 79 in
File “”, line 222 in _call_with_frames_removed
File “”, line 697 in exec_module
File “”, line 673 in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 957 in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 968 in _find_and_load
File “”, line 222 in _call_with_frames_removed
File “”, line 943 in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 968 in _find_and_load
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/experiment/components/sound/”, line 14 in
File “”, line 222 in _call_with_frames_removed
File “”, line 697 in exec_module
File “”, line 673 in _load_unlocked
File “”, line 957 in _find_and_load_unlocked
File “”, line 968 in _find_and_load
File “”, line 985 in _gcd_import
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/importlib/”, line 126 in import_module
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/experiment/components/”, line 149 in getComponents
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/experiment/components/”, line 58 in getAllComponents
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/app/builder/”, line 675 in init
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/app/builder/”, line 1051 in init
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/app/”, line 504 in newBuilderFrame
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/app/”, line 518 in showBuilder
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/app/”, line 331 in onInit
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/app/”, line 190 in init
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/app/”, line 28 in start_app
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psychopy/app/”, line 100 in main
File “/home/lucasjusto/anaconda3/envs/psypy3/bin/psychopy”, line 11 in
Aborted (core dumped)