Labels for Ratingscale

Hi Community,

I would be very grateful to get a tip for the code I use within the builder to create labels for a rating scale. It is not working whether I put it directly in the basic option of the builder or by hand in the coder, it just does not appear when I run it. Every tip is very much appreciated.
this is the code I have been using:
marker=‘triangle’, size=1.3, pos=[0.0, -0.5], choices=[u’-3’, u’-2’, u’-1’, u’0’, u’+1’, u’+2’, u’+3’], tickHeight=0.2, singleClick=True, markerStart=‘3’, showAccept=False,
textColor=‘Black’, labels =’-3=sehr unverständlich, +3=sehr verständlich’

Kind regards,


I think you just need a list of labels, not a single string:

 labels = ['-3=sehr unverständlich', '+3=sehr verständlich']

Also, I see there are the curly smart quotes in your post. Not sure if those are also in your code–if they are, replace with plain text ' or "