Key Error 'Packages'

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PsychoPy version 2022.1.3
Attempting to run experiment but this error keeps appearing. I’m not too sure where the issue lies.

File “C:\Users\BenQu\AppData\Roaming\psychopy3\versions\psychopy\tools\”, line 39, in
if prefs.paths[‘packages’] not in pkg_resources.working_set.entries:
KeyError: ‘packages’
################ Experiment ended with exit code 1 [pid:12040] #################
1443.1596 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2022_05_10 17:56’]

any luck with this? I have the same issue and dont know where to start looking. I am guessing is my 3.10 python

Hi, I have the same problem, does anyone get the solution?

Same problem here! Did anyone solve it? Thanks!

I don’t understand this one. It seems like it has to be caused by some version clash.

Is this still occurring in recent versions (the original poster refers to 2022.1.3)? Is it possible that this is occurring when selecting useVersion to something newer than the installed version?

(I don’t think the version of Python is relevant)


I also do not understand why I posted this. :joy: I deleted my answer. It does not make any sense in this context.

Best wishes Jnes