I am creating an fMRI task that is a simple sequential presentation of multiple mp4 files. I have created a loop and can get the task to run almost successfully, but every time I play it it cuts off the second to last video and shuts down, not playing the last video at all.
The videos do have different durations which I made a column for in my excel sheet with my paths to the videos, and am using $Duration as the duration in builder.
I have made sure that the paths and durations are correct, have played just 5 videos and it messes up the 4th and refuses to play the 5th ( 5 instead of 15 videos).
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this issue? I have not been able to find anything helpful so far.
All I get is Experiment ended with exit code -11 [pid:7664], and the mac message that the application has shut down unexpectedly.