Issue of the online version

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to know why the online version can not run properly as the local experiment.

The issues are: 1. The interstimulus interval disappeared on the online version, which in the local experiment is 300ms. 2. Sometimes, the routine with the countdown code can not work well in the second loop: it will end before the time I want, or the whole screen will disappear.

I have attached the related material here. And the link is Pavlovia

I would be very grateful if you could help me solve it.

Yours faithfully,

Tap& (6.7 MB)

What version of PsychoPy are you using?

Morning, wakecarter. My version is v2024.2.3 (macOS).

Try setting the version to 2024.1.4 in Experiment Settings or upgrading to the latest version and see if that helps.

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Dear Wakecarter,

Thank you very much! It works perfectly! I truly appreciate your patient support. You always help me greatly.

Yours sincerely,