Issue accessing experiment data files after Server Maintenance (October 22nd 2023):

jsPsych version (e.g. 7.3.1): 6.3.1

URL of experiments:

Description of the problem:
I’ve been running experiments for the past year where I access files in the data folder in order to generate trial lists for participants (context: these are in-lab, tablet-based experiments hosted through pavlovia).
This no longer seems possible: attempting to access those files at an address like[username]/[experiment_name]/data/[data_file_name]is now generating a “404 Not Found” message. I assume this may be due to CORS-related issue connected to the server migration. Is there any way this can be fixed or is there some workaround? It would be great to not have a disruption to these ongoing experiments.

Is this true of new data files or just some specific ones that might have been created on Sunday morning?

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Great question - this applies to both old files (i.e., created sometime in the last year or so) and new files (i.e., files I created earlier today).

Thanks for your help on this!

Circling back to this - I’d love to know if this is an in-principle change with the new server (data files in the data folder on the server are no longer accessible) or if this is just a temporary glitch/ issue with migrating over to the new server. If the latter, is there a workaround?

Thanks for any leads!

Hello @mzettersten ,

It appears I was a bit over-zealous when upping the security on the new server. I have now corrected my excess of zeal and you should be able to access your result files programatically again. With my apologies for the interruption.

Incidentally, I will soon be deploying an API endpoint to access results in a more organic manner.

Best wishes,


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Fantastic, thanks so much Alain! I just checked and everything runs as expected. I really appreciate the prompt support!!

The API sounds really useful too, looking forward to the rollout!

All my best,