Hi everybody! When installing psychopy through the terminal (‘pip install psychopy’), the installation always gots stuck at this point: 'Building wheels for collected packages: wxPython, pocketsphinx, pyo
Building wheel for wxPython (setup.py) … ’
and I am not able to download it. Can you help me? I have a MacOc
I’ve had the same issue. Most of the forum responses to similar issues mention that the install doesn’t work well for Python 3.10 because some packages/wheels are set for different versions of Python.
One of the PsychoPy individuals mentioned they’re working on solutions, but they can’t control whether or not packages keep updated with new versions of Python. Hence, different wheels being compatible with one type and others being compatible with another.
The install documentation recommends Python 3.6, but mentions that the install should work for up to Python 3.10. However, the same problem is happening.
The trends for temporary solutions say to:
Maybe degrade your Python version to 3.8.
Or, run pip install -e --no-deps
, so it doesn’t have dependencies. Then, go back and manually install each package you think you’d need for your experiment. For example, if you wanted eye tracking, run pip install psychopy[eyetracking]
Although, according to the comments, users still seem to face new problems with the two solutions mentioned above. I’d say keep checking the forum for case by case issues, or keep plugging away at debugging until a resolution comes about. There may already be one, and I could’ve missed it, but who knows!