Initialise experiment won't end

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem:
This is a simple anchor effect experiment. It ran a while ago on Pavlovia. I made some changes at a different place in the programm but it stop working now. The browser debugger shows me that the program gets stuck at line 222

 text = new visual.TextStim({
    win: psychoJS.window,
    name: 'text',
    text: /*  */
    font: 'Arial',
    units: undefined, 
    pos: [0, 0], height: 0.03,  wrapWidth: undefined, ori: 0,
    color: new util.Color('white'),  opacity: 1,
    depth: -2.0 

This is autotranslated javascript code. I tried to change the line to

text: ' ',

but this results in error that the program does not know the variable frameDur. No idea why this is affected then.

Offline no problem.

Suggestions are welcome Jens


I worked out that text: /* */ , is a comment in JavaScript. I have no idea why PsychoPy outputs a comment at this place. Still I have no idea why then the reference error referring to the frame duration appears?

Still looking for suggestions Jens

Hey @JensBoelte, I’ve seen that bug crop up before when using the TextBox component, which is still in beta. I believe the issue has been addressed in the most recent version of PsychoPy. It might be something completely different, but could I just confirm you are running PsychoPy latest? Here to help, thanks, s.

Hello @sotiri

I am using PsychoPy version 2020.2.3

Cheers Jens

OK thanks, please could you try 2020.2.4? x

I updated to PsychoPy 2020.2.4 I now receive another error message related to syncing with gitlab

311.3978 EXP Imported D:\Boelte\Eigene Dokumente\Lehre\EmpExPra\PsychoPy\AnkerExp1\AnkerStimuli.xlsx as conditions, 16 conditions, 4 params
311.4227 EXP Imported D:\Boelte\Eigene Dokumente\Lehre\EmpExPra\PsychoPy\AnkerExp1\AnkerStimuli.xlsx as conditions, 16 conditions, 4 params
311.8685 ERROR Line 222: Unexpected token , in AnkerExp1.js
311.9044 EXP Imported D:\Boelte\Eigene Dokumente\Lehre\EmpExPra\PsychoPy\AnkerExp1\AnkerStimuli.xlsx as conditions, 16 conditions, 4 params
311.9310 EXP Imported D:\Boelte\Eigene Dokumente\Lehre\EmpExPra\PsychoPy\AnkerExp1\AnkerStimuli.xlsx as conditions, 16 conditions, 4 params
312.4108 ERROR Line 212: Unexpected token , in AnkerExp1-legacy-browsers.js

Cheers Jens

Hey Jens, really sorry about this! I have forked your project and gave the text a value of ’ ', is the following more or less what you had in mind?

Hi @JensBoelte,
I have the same issue and found a workaround of this bug for my experiment: I have a dummy text of the same color of the background so that it not visible when it’s presented.
Hope this helps get your experiment running,