Description of the problem:
This is a simple anchor effect experiment. It ran a while ago on Pavlovia. I made some changes at a different place in the programm but it stop working now. The browser debugger shows me that the program gets stuck at line 222
I worked out that text: /* */ , is a comment in JavaScript. I have no idea why PsychoPy outputs a comment at this place. Still I have no idea why then the reference error referring to the frame duration appears?
Hey @JensBoelte, I’ve seen that bug crop up before when using the TextBox component, which is still in beta. I believe the issue has been addressed in the most recent version of PsychoPy. It might be something completely different, but could I just confirm you are running PsychoPy latest? Here to help, thanks, s.
Hi @JensBoelte,
I have the same issue and found a workaround of this bug for my experiment: I have a dummy text of the same color of the background so that it not visible when it’s presented.
Hope this helps get your experiment running,