IndexSizeError: The index is not in the allowed range

I am getting: IndexSizeError: The index is not in the allowed rangewhen I try to run my task- what could be the issue


Could this be related to useRows in a loop?

Does it work locally?

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useRows is the variable I usually use for selected rows in a loop.

Try pasting the full error message.

Why shouldn’t it work locally?

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What do you mean by copy pasted? The routines? Did you check the loops and any expInfo variables? Might any of the variables you pasted have been used in your own task? Also, try seeing whether it works when “pasted” into an empty experiment.

If your code components are either JS or Both then that does make it difficult to debug.

exoInfo variables are the ones that appear in the startup screen when you start the experiment.

I’ve just noticed that that code is in Before Experiment, which I rarely use.

If you are getting an error during runtime, please check the browser console to identify which line is giving the error.

Here’s an example solution for a similar error where a mouse response is checked when there hasn’t actually been a response.