OS Win10
PsychoPy version 1.84.04
**Standard Standalone? Yes
**What are you trying to achieve?:
I’ve made a small experiment that is having a weird issue where the duration of stimulus presentation is inconsistent. I’ll quickly explain the premise:
The numbers 1-9 are rapidly presented on screen in a completely random order, each being on the screen for only 400 ms. The numbers 2, 5 and 8 are targets. When these are presented, participants press the space bar. This lasts for 250 trials. The timing of the stimuli is supposed to be constant, unaffected by user input (or lack thereof).
The problem is that not all stimuli appear on screen for an equal amount of time. Some are seemingly skipped, on screen for only a fraction before being replaced. Others stay on for a full second before switching to the next number.
What did you try to make it work?:
I’ve tried various permutations of time and duration for the start/stop of both the stimuli (text) and the response window (hit). The text is read from $number in an excel spreadsheet (list of 1-9 with colums for target (yes/no) and correct response (spacebar/none). Does anyone know why some trials are almost entirely skipped and others stay on screen far longer than 400ms?
PS. Aditionally, is there a way in the Builder to allow the response window of the first trial continue on for 100-200ms into next trial? I was planning on scoring semi-manually via Excel for trials where the participant is correct but presses after the next trial has already started.