HTML folder not getting created for online experiment

Thank you for replying @jon

My experiment is created in six blocks, which uses stimuli conditions file, selecting the row stimulus at random in three types of emotions, i.e. positive, negative and neutral emotions, with each emotion being depicted from another file, which contains the location of the images displaying emotions, which is looped as trials, and the images are stored in a folder inside the location of the experiment. Attached are two of the stimulus and location xlsx file.

I did have to write the path because the images were not in the same folder as the experiment, rather in another folder which is in the same folder as the experiment. But the path does not start from the drive name, rather than the image folder name, as they are in the same folder of the experiment.

Can you help me what is wrong? Because the experiment works perfectly in offline builder mode locally.

I am attaching the experiment psyexp file too for your reference. Maybe you could ask @apitiot to help me with this problem? I am sorry for continuously bothering you all, but I am new to Psychopy and Pavlovia, and codings in general, so help would be greatly appreciated. Do let me know if you need something else for further reference.

image_stimuli_Test3.xlsx (9.4 KB)
Main_Stimuli_Test3.xlsx (9.8 KB)
Pilot_test_demo.psyexp (137.9 KB)

Edit: This is the error on Psychopy v3.1.3-
519.4192 ERROR path is on mount '0:', start on mount 'D:'