How to input several videos into excel to be added as a condition for loop in psychopy

OS (ASUS Win10):
PsychoPy version (2024.1.5):
Standard Standalone? (y/n) If not then what?:
**What are you trying to achieve?:
I am trying to implement 35 videos into an excel file which I can then add into a loop trial via the conditions tab.

What did you try to make it work?:
I have created the conditions file in excel and have already made the loop section, however I am unable to add videos from my local download folder into excel.

I have searched and there are many posts claiming that adding videos is no longer possible in excel.

What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
Does excel no longer allow video input form local folder. If it does how would I go about incorporating the videos.


You do not add the video-files to Excel, you just add their filenames.

Best wishes Jens

Hi @JensBoelte thank you for the response, how would I go about doing this
would I just copy and past the file name into excel, if so I have tried to do this but excel is not pasting the file names


Well, what about entering the filename by hand? An alternative is described here. You probably need to “clean” the filenames from the path-information.

Best wishes Jens

Hi @JensBoelte I have copied my file names into my excel with the way you suggested, however when I run my experiment the the file name shows rather then the video animation playing.
I have attached some snippets that may help in finding the issue.

snip movies


Where is your movie-component? I only see a text-component but I do not see the whole picture/experiment.

Best wishes Jens

Hello @JensBoelte
I have attached an image of the movie section. One of the text components is for a timer and another is for the movies to loop, as for the keyboard component I would like for 1 video to play, participant presses space and then moves onto a slider question, then another video can play and the process repeats for 35 videos.


There is no attachment.

Best wishes Jens

my apologies @JensBoelte I have attached it here.


Do you mind sharing the content of the various components?

Best wishes Jens

Sure @JensBoelte , here is the breakdown of the components.

  1. The plausibility scenerio is a text component giving a statement for the video

  2. The video component includes the movie and keyboard response ‘space’ to move to next slide and another text component giving the timer

  3. The video response includes 3 text components: 1 for the question, another 2 for the labels for the slider. The slider is for participant rating, code is for the slider size and colour and image + mouse are for the a continue button response.


Ok, that is not quite what I meant. Show me the content of the component movie1 which is apparently causing the problem.

So what do you specify in Movie file?

Best wishes Jens

My apologies @JensBoelte, here is movie 1 component.


You have to enter the Excel column name that contains the filesnames of your movies in Movie file.

Best wishes Jens