OS (e.g. Win10): Win10
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): v2020.2.0
Standard Standalone? (y/n) If not then what?: y
What are you trying to achieve?: I have created a Sternberg WM task with videos between the letter presentations. I have 2 components that use conditions files to present my stimuli. One .xlsx file has a list of the letters and the other has a list of the videos. There are a total of 16 trials in this experiment (so 16 letters and 16 videos). I need to randomly present the letter pairs and videos.
What did you try to make it work?: I tried to create 2 loops, 1 for each of my conditions files. I also tried using a conditions file that lists my letters and videos conditions files and used a fulLRandom loop type.
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?: I am able to randomly present the letter pairs, but the video loop shows the same video for each trial rather than a random video from the list on each trial.
Would greatly appreciate any help/resources with randomly showing the letter pairs and videos in each of the 16 trials. My apologies in advance if this has already been asked before.
PsychoPy WM task.zip (27.0 KB)