How to connect participants with data throughout multiple experiments

URL of experiment: I’m about to set up this experiment

Description of the problem:
I’m trying to set up my first experiment in PsychoPy/Pavlovia. During the experiment participants will complete a training session, then they take a short test. After the first test, they will train with a different method and repeat the test. Then, 2 weeks later they re-take the test.
My issue is that I’m not sure how to connect the results of the 3 tests with the same participant for within subject comparison.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Can you give each participant a custom URL? If you add ?participant=x to then end of the URL (use & instead of? if your URL already has an &) then x will appear in the participant column of the data file (and the file name.if you use CSV data saving). Add &session=y to record the session number

Thanks for your answer! I’m not sure if I understand though, as it’s my first experiment. When do I add this and how?


Will this experiment run online? If so, @wakecarter suggests to add a parameter to the link that you give to your participants.

Best wishes Jens

Here’s a video about URL parameters and daisy chaining.

Thank you so much! Now, I understand.