Headphone screening test made for Pavlovia

Hi everyone who runs auditory experiments on Pavlovia,

If you want to make sure that your online participants are listening to your stimuli through headphones, try our online headphone check test using dichotic pitch stimuli. You can find more details about this test in our paper published on Behavior Research Methods.

I also made a website to update the PsychoJS code for you to attach the headphone test right before starting your experiment. Instructions are included.

Add a Headphones Check to your study here:
Headphones Check - Integration with Pavlovia/PsychoJS


The website can customise the test for you, and you can choose one of three headphone tests for your purpose. Check our github page: Headphone screen using Huggins Pitch | HeadphoneCheck_Test

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me!

Best wishes,


I’ve added a couple of new features to the website:

  • Option to save the Headphones Check data
    – Data is saved in JSON format along with the rest of the participants’ data

  • Customise what happens if the participant fails the Check
    – Stop the study (this is what happened previously)
    NEW: Stop the study and redirect to a website
    NEW: Ignore the failure and continue the study

Previously modified JS files are unaffected and should continue to work, but without the new features.

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New features!

  • Compatible with JS files exported by PsychoPy version 2021.2

  • Choose the type of volume adjustment procedure
    – Simple (this was what happened previously)
    NEW: Advanced (see https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.07.17.452796 for the paper)

  • Option to choose which sound files to use
    (for example, if you need to adjust the volume to match the rest of your study)
    – Use the included set (this was what happened previously)
    NEW: Use your own set

Previously modified JS files are unaffected and should continue to work, but without the new features.

Hello Dr. Zhao. I hope you are doing well. This headphone check is amazing! I am right now trying to add your headphone check to my online experiment. I am able to follow the instructions from your handy website and create a new js file with the headphone check code.

I am able to run the headphone check online after I have opened the js file manually using the psychopy coder, sync with the web project using the sync button in the coder window, and then run the project from pavlovia directly or run the study through a local browser.

My dilemma is that, if I sync the project via builder after I have made edits to other aspects of the experiment, that sync does not save the edits from the JS file. I know that this is a common problem with editing the js files manually and that people tend to recommend any edits to the code be done via the builder. I am curious if there is any way to implement the headphone check via the custom builder code? I have tried myself but I have not been able to find a way to do so. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.