Getting all webcam (camera) recordings at the end of the online experiment

Description of the problem: The webcam is recording a few seconds of video each trial. The video file is sent (uploaded to Pavlovia servers) at the end of each trial, postponing the start of a the next trial. This disturbs the flow of the experiment. Is there an option to upload all the recorded videos at the end of the experiment or at the end of a block?


Hi Rani,
We are facing a similar problem and wondering if you found a solution? We would like to save three short videos at the end of a trial rather than at the end of each routine.
Do you have any insights that might help us?
Best wishes,

Hi Donna,

This was a long time ago… In any case if I remember correctly this was a pilot that didn’t succeed so we didn’t have to solve this issue at the end.

Sorry I couldn’t help,

Thanks anyway!