Font size in surveys

How do I change the font size of the text on the rating scale buttons in Pavlovia surveys?

I’m sorry but I don’t think that the font sizes in Pavlovia Surveys are customisable, and this feature isn’t currently high priority.

Thanks wake, the reason is that I have a survey which has a rating scale with 7 items on it - attached is the version I have programmed in Gorilla, but I wanted to do it in Pavlovia as the rest of my experiment is in PsychoPy. But the ratings scale it wraps over after 4 or 5 items onto a second line, which makes it conceptually more difficult for the participant to answer. So I was just wondering whether if I reduced the font size then it would all fit on one line - just thinking it might be easy to do by including some code for text size in the JSON file?

What does it look like as a single response matrix?

what do you mean, sorry?