Extra blank trials and stimuli taking extra time

OS (e.g. Win10): Windows 10
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 2023.1.2

I am trying to reuse a psychopy build I have used previously to replicate an experiment. The only difference between the two is the excel file, as the stimuli are balanced slightly differently, and the pictures used. However there are two things going wrong with the experiment and I cannot work out what is causing them.

The experiment presents the participant with a fixation cross for 0.4 seconds (24 frames) then shows them a statement 0.1 seconds (6 frames) after the cross disappears. Then 1 second (60 frames) later a second fixation cross appears for 0.4 seconds (24 frames) then a picture is displayed 0.1 seconds (6 frames) after the cross disappears. I am using a 60 Hz monitor with the display set to 60 Hz. There are a couple of ISIs, the first is present from the start for 0.4 seconds (24 frames) to load the statement, and the second is present from the onset of the text (at frame 30) and is present for 1 second (60 frames) to load the picture.

The first problem is to do with the timings. When I set the stimuli to be triggered by the frame rate, it adds extra time: the first fixation cross is presented for 0.73 seconds instead of 0.4 and the gap between the text appearing and the image fixation cross is 1.93 instead of 1 second.

When I switch the triggers to time as opposed to frame rate, all the stimuli seem to get triggered at the appropriate time apart from the first trial where certain stimuli trigger too early.

The monitor is running at 60 hz, and the excel file says that throughout the experiment the monitor was at 60.

The second issue is that throughout the experiment, there are 11 extra trials where psychopy presents a random statement and no picture. When I look at the excel results file, the rows for these trials just say ‘None’ where it would say the location of the picture or the statement etc (see picture).

I have checked the excel file used for the stimuli and there are no extra lines. When I load it into Psychpy, it says there are 325 lines (the experiment has 324 trials + the line for the names of the columns). The results file shows that there were 336 lines so these trials were presented in addition to the 324 trials and I cannot find where they are coming from.

I have no idea what is causing either of these issues, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I can provide any extra resources if needed.

Thank you.

When you point to a spreadsheet in a loop the number of conditions reported by PsychoPy does not include the header row.

Apologies, I read the condition line wrong. It says there are 335 lines. However on the excel file there is only content in the 325 lines, and nothing in the next 11 lines. Is there anyway to get PsychoPy to not select them as conditions?

You have to delete the blank rows. In Excel try highlighting 11 rows below your content and pressing the delete button

I have tried that and when I reselect it, it keeps coming up 335 conditions. I noticed there is a ‘Selected rows’ option above. Would it work if I put in 0:325 and it would only select the rows I want?

You could also do that.

That seems to have sorted it.

Thank you for your help :slight_smile: