Exported survey answers not in order and yes/no questions coming out as true/false, help?

As above. Why would a question asking for Yes/No when exported state False/True?

In addition, some open text answers are also scattered within the (previously CSV file, imported into…) Excel file with ‘hashtagNAME?’ randomly appearing in places.

If you add a Boolean question type then the answers will be true/false. Although the default labels are Yes/No these can be changed. If you would like different responses then you could add a radio button group instead.

The order of the data in the CSV wile should be alphabetical based on the question names. Are you experiencing something different?

Do you mean numerical order? For example, the output has labelled the questions 1-10, in this order Q1, Q10, Q11, Q12…and so on. I can’t tell which questions relate to which labels?

Q10 comes before Q2 alphabetically.

Have a look at your survey to check which question has each name.

Did you import from Qualtrics? By default, Qualtrics numbers the questions in the order you created them. So does Pavlovia Surveys, but with question1, question2, etc instead of Q1, Q2. You can change the names to something more useful if you haven’t already collected your data.