Experiments dashboard not updating with changes from GitLab

I’ve found a way to force pavlovia to refresh the gitlab mirror its running on.

In your experiment Dashboard, if your experiment is configured as Status>Running, it looks like pavlovia won’t accept any changes below the root folder of your gitlab experiment repo (e.g., my index.html file would have its changes reflected, but anything side of folders would not).

Solution: change your experiment status to INACTIVE and then back to RUNNING and the pavlovia mirror will reflect your gitlab experiment repository. Same solution found in a similar query on this forum here: Changes pushed to gitlab but not to Pavlovia dashboard - #9 by jbreedlo. One thing not mentioned in this post that I have found to be the case: you need to make changes to your experiment repo locally and then commit them back to gitlab via git. When I try to update via the webIDE, edits inside of subfolders will not be reflected in the pavlovia mirror of your gitlab experiment repo.

Without this knowledge, people’s experiment debugging is pretty much dead in the water (unless I’m missing something). Perhaps this information could be posted to a pavlovia jsPsych FAQ page or something like that – if I google pavlovia experiment dashboard not updating this forum post and the forum post I linked are the first two hits.

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