URL of experiment: Pavlovia
Hello all,
This is my first time making an experiment on PsychoPy and consequently, using Pavlovia. It involves participants answering 33 questions on a scale, and then being presented with a series of images in seperate routines. My experiment works perfectly fine locally, but when trying to pilot it on Pavlovia, I receive the following error:
“Unfortunately we encountered the following error: when setting the image of ImageStim: nameofimage
when getting the value of the resource images/nameofimage
unknown resource”.
The image appears when doing the experiment locally so I am unsure what the issue is or how to fix it. Also, I made the experiment using the Builder as I do not know how to code if that helps at all?
Any and all help would be appreciated! Thanks
Dear Danielle2207,
your project is not public, so nobody can access it. The error message shows you that Pavolvia does not “know” the image you like to present. This can be due to a couple of reasons:
aso. So, access to the project could help to pin down the error.
Best wishes Jens
Hi Jens,
Thanks so much for your reply! I have now made the experiment public: Experiment | dacaffre/body-dissatisfaction-study (pavlovia.org) (I hope this is the right link, I’m very new to this so it could be incorrect).
Turns out that I had left out the .png in the image component for that particular image. However, when I synced the fixed version to Pavlovia and re-ran the experiment, I received the same error. Do you have any ideas how to fix this? Do I need to take down the project from Pavlovia and re-upload it?
Hello Danielle
You might have to hard reload the webpage or clear the browser‘s cache.
BTW, you seem to upload your images twice. Did you add the images via the experiment settings - online - additional resources tab? That is not really needed if you refer to your images via a condition-file.
It was the proper link.
Best wishes Jens
Hello Danielle,
You need to fill the rows targets and target_y with values!
Think of better commit messages, (first, second, third upload) is not very informative.
Best wishes Jens
Hi Jens,
The images are coming from a conditions file on excel and I’ve re checked the names to make sure that everything is identical to the image component so I think it’s okay on that front!
I have images of similar names with each routine involving a picture from the front (fv) and from the side (sv).
I’ve cleared the browser history and cache and hard reloaded the webpage and unfortunately the same error occurred.
I’m not really sure what else to do!
Oh okay I didn’t know I had to fill those in with values! Would they be referring to their position on the x and y axis?
Hello Danielle,
well I do not know what the variables targetx and target_y refer to. You should kow For testing simply copy the values you have in the empty cells.
Best wishes Jens
Hi Jens,
I’ve revised my study and realized that I’d taken those column names from a YouTube tutorial and therefore has no connection to my project!
I’ve deleted the columns and synced my project again but the same error code as before is appearing unfortunately.
I’m so confused!
Quick update!
I managed to fix my project and it is running okay now, thanks so much for all your help!
I ran the experiment with a few friends yesterday to test it out and the whole study went fine, however, none of the data saved.
I have the option selected to save data even if the study is not completed as a CSV file. The credits were not used up either.
Any idea how I can fix this issue? Sorry for the onslaught of questions, this is for a college assignment so I’m a bit anxious due to the time sensitivity!
Hello Danielle
usually you download your data via the download-button on your experiment tab on Pavolovia.
You also find your data in the repository under data. The last set saved was 69_BodyDissat_2021-01-30_14h43.20.613.csv
Best wishes Jens
Hi Jens,
Apologies for the delay, I’ve been trying to figure out the cause of the issue ever since our last conversation but to no avail.
I am aware of at least 30 people who have participated in my study. Only 3 credits have been consumed and 11 are reserved and have been for more than 2 days, which I believe, is well over the period of time they are supposed to be reserved for.
Do you have any ideas as to what might be the cause of this? This project is time sensitive and I am unable to conduct a data analysis with only 3 participants’ data Is there any way to get the data from the 11 reserved credits at least?
Thank you!
Dear Danielle
It might be best to contact sales. I never had problems storing and retrieving data. However, many of your data-files (*.csv) in your data-folder are just about 1 or 2 bytes long. Did you allow to save incomplete data? This would explain the short data-files.
Best wishes Jens
I suspect that only 3 participants completed your study. Is it very long?
Hi Jens,
I clicked the option to save incomplete data, but I know that over 30 participants completed the experiment as they sent me photos of them completing the study. I may contact sales as you suggested as it is very weird indeed!
Thank you so much for your help.
Kind regards,
Hi Wakecarter,
My study is relatively long- takes about 20 mins to complete. However, I know of at least 30 people who have completed the study as they sent me screenshots of them completing it, so I am a little confused as to where the data is gone!
Kind regards,