i recently upgraded from 1.83 to 1.85 and since then every time i run an experiment I need to wait 90 seconds for the experiment to start. As an example if I try and run the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env python2
-- coding: utf-8 --
from psychopy import visual, core
clock = core.Clock()
print clock.getTime()
win = visual.Window([800, 800], monitor=‘testMonitor’)
print clock.getTime()
I get the following output:
1.9192 ERROR avbin.dll failed to load. Try importing psychopy.visual
as the first library (before anything that uses scipy)
and make sure that avbin is installed.
54.1808 WARNING t of last frame was 4300.09ms (=1/0)
58.4809 WARNING t of last frame was 4300.08ms (=1/0)
62.7809 WARNING t of last frame was 4300.01ms (=1/0)
67.0808 WARNING t of last frame was 4299.87ms (=1/0)
71.3808 WARNING Multiple dropped frames have occurred - I’ll stop bothering you about them!
It seems to get stuck on declaring a window object. Has anyone else encountered this problem, if so if there a work around? Everything was working fine until I upgraded.
BTW I am running windows 10.