Error while uploading project to pavlovia

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem: Psychopy gave me this error when I tried to upload my project to pavlovia.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/”, line 251, in wrapped_f
File “/Applications/”, line 204, in create
File “/Applications/”, line 604, in http_post
File “/Applications/”, line 510, in http_request
gitlab.exceptions.GitlabHttpError: 400: {‘name’: [“can contain only letters, digits, emojis, ‘’, ‘.’, dash, space. It must start with letter, digit, emoji or ‘’.”], ‘limit_reached’: []}

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/”, line 146, in submitChanges
File “/Applications/”, line 329, in createProject
File “/Applications/”, line 324, in createProject
File “/Applications/”, line 253, in wrapped_f
gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCreateError: 400: {‘name’: [“can contain only letters, digits, emojis, ‘’, ‘.’, dash, space. It must start with letter, digit, emoji or ‘’.”], ‘limit_reached’: []}

Hi There,

Looks like the name of your project may have containes special characters (e.g. punctuation). Please can you try to repush your project but with a name that does not have any special characters? (you may need to delete and hidden .git files from your current working directory before doing so).


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Thank you very much Becca. That solved my problem.