URL of experiment:
Description of the problem:
Every time I tried to upload it. It said error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/gitlab/exceptions.py”, line 251, in wrapped_f
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/gitlab/mixins.py”, line 204, in create
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/gitlab/init.py”, line 604, in http_post
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/gitlab/init.py”, line 510, in http_request
gitlab.exceptions.GitlabHttpError: 400: {‘name’: [“can’t be blank”, “can contain only letters, digits, emojis, ‘’, ‘.’, dash, space. It must start with letter, digit, emoji or ‘’.”], ‘path’: [“can’t be blank”, “can contain only letters, digits, ‘_’, ‘-‘ and ‘.’. Cannot start with ‘-‘, end in ‘.git’ or end in ‘.atom’”, ‘is too short (minimum is 1 character)’], ‘limit_reached’: }
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/psychopy/app/pavlovia_ui/project.py”, line 146, in submitChanges
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/psychopy/projects/pavlovia.py”, line 330, in createProject
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/psychopy/projects/pavlovia.py”, line 325, in createProject
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/gitlab/exceptions.py”, line 253, in wrapped_f
gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCreateError: 400: {‘name’: [“can’t be blank”, “can contain only letters, digits, emojis, ‘’, ‘.’, dash, space. It must start with letter, digit, emoji or ‘’.”], ‘path’: [“can’t be blank”, “can contain only letters, digits, ‘_’, ‘-‘ and ‘.’. Cannot start with ‘-‘, end in ‘.git’ or end in ‘.atom’”, ‘is too short (minimum is 1 character)’], ‘limit_reached’: }