URL of experiment: Sign in · GitLab
Description of the problem:
Hi Everyone,
I have an experiment which runs without any issues offline; it presents a set of four images at once, asks for a keyboard input, and has a feedback loop to inform the participant of the correct answer.
While the first few blocks of the experiment run normally online, it fails to proceed to the tutorial block of the experiment (wherein the images files are referenced through file paths listed within the cells of an Excel spreadsheet).
I have referenced a .csv file in the past, and have translated some of my custom Python code into JS format, but I still encounter the following error:
Some additional notes: I used the builder to create the experiment, and had PsychoPy generate the files for the online experiment.
I am going to try to modify the JS file as I continue to look for forum posts about troubleshooting similar errors, but I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you so much!