URL of experiment:
Description of the problem:
I have pushed an experiment to Pavlovia. The first routine works well – the audio and video can play. However, the second routine does not work, and has the errors as described below:
Unfortunately we encountered the following error:
*** when importing condition: resources/csv/syntactictask_stimuli_train_1.csv**
*** when getting the value of resource: resources/csv/syntactictask_stimuli_train_1.csv**
*** unknown resource**
Try to run the experiment again. If the error persists, contact the experiment designer.
I have checked if all slashes in the codes are backslashes, and tried deleted the project and push it to Pavlovia again. Also, I have confirmed that all required resources, like csv files, have been uploaded to Pavlovia. But I still encountered the errors above.
Could anyone help me with that? Thank you!
By this do you mean that you have added them in Experiment Settings / Resources?
Hi Wakecarter,
Thank you so much for your reply! Do you mean I have to add all resources, namely all csv files (condition files), audio files and video files, in “Online Tab” of “Experimental Settings” on the Psychopy experiment builder? I am not so sure of this. Thank you so much!
Hi Wakecarter,
Thank you so much for your reply! Do you mean I have to add all resources, namely all csv files (condition files), audio files and video files, in “Online Tab” of “Experimental Settings” on the Psychopy experiment builder? I am not so sure of this. Thank you so much!
I’ve just added the following to the unknown resources error section of my crib sheet:
PsychoPy should automatically detect and add resources which are hard coded (explicitly named) in your image/video/sound/form components and loops but will not know about resources which are set via variables.
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Thank you so much for your help, Wakecarter. Also, I would like to ask whether I should add anything into “Output Path” after I have added all the resources to “Additional Resources”. Thanks.
I keep output path blank. That’s where it used to say html.
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Thank you so much Wakecarter! Have a good one!