Error downloading videos in online experiment

My experiment folder is around 2.3 GB and includes 16 MP4 videos. It was running fine, and I collected data from 24 participants online. However, there is now an issue with downloading the videos when running the experiment online on Safari Version 17.6 (19618. It still works fine locally on PsychoPy. When I tried running the experiment in pilot mode it showed me this error on Safari-
unable to download resource: edited_breakfast_2.mp4 (edited_breakfast_2.mp4)

EDIT: It now shows the same error for different videos when I try running it again (other video size: 363.9 MB)

Video specs:
Codecs: MPEG-4 AAC, H.264
Size: 34.7 Mb
Audio channels: stereo

It was running fine until now, so I’m wondering what the problem is. I could reduce the file sizes, but this might happen again. It happened once before with another file like this. I didn’t reduce its size, just re-processed it in iMovies instead of QuickTime Player. Processing it in VLC media player hadn’t helped. I kept the media formats suggested by PsychoPy for online experiments.

I have two such experiments, with the identical routines and videos just different instructions for participants. The other experiment with the same video runs fine.