Errno2: No Such File or Directory

I am using a standalone version on a Mac.

I am creating a flanker task in the Builder version. My .excel and psychopy files are all in the same folder (Psycho_Pie). When I try and run the experiment, the screen flashes gray and then quits out, resulting in this:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Along with my advisors we attempted to fix the issue by reconfiguring where psychopy was locating its materials, as well as deleted some code components from the builder view. Does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts? Your help is greatly appreciated!!

Hello @raymoney420,

I assume, that your question is about a lab-based Psychopy study (otherwise, please switch the category to online). For a lab-based study, under Stdout, you get more information than just the error message, which you posted. To help you with your issue, we need the full error message you find there, including the trace back.

Hey Lukas,

Yes, this is a lab based study. Here is the full message I receive when I try and run the task. Thanks for your help!

This seems to be a frequent problem on Mac. What is your version of Psychopy?

You could try this, as suggested in other posts:

Thank you Lukas! I read through the thread and went to my system preferences, but PsychoPy was already checked for the input monitoring. I just updated my Mac last night/this morning and now am on Catalina 10.15.5. I’m using Psychopy 3.2.0.

In the thread you sent me (thank you! very helpful and reassuring) some people suggested downgrading their PsychoPy, but they were at 3.2.2 and 3.2.4. Do you have any suggestions as to what to do? Thank you for all your help!!

Just kidding. I just ran the flanker and it WORKED!!! I think it may have just been that I either a)updated my Mac or b) unchecked and checked the box in the security tab of system preferences.

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