Hi there, I’m programming an emotional Stroop paradigm using the builder. The words are in an excel file and are divided into 5 different topics. For the experiment I need the words in a random order but still in their topics for example: neutral-anger-neutral-sad-disgust … So I need to upload them blockwise. Can anybody help me with that? Thanks in advance
You can divide your xlsx file into five files by topic. Then, have one inner loop that is set to random that goes through stimuli and an outer loop that goes through the five xlsx files sequentially.
unfortunately I can’t save the excel in csv then and then its not running on psychopy…
Hello Kate
could you be little bit more specific, at best so specific as in the methods-section? One can provide better answers when the question and the requirements are spelled out in enough detail.
For instance, you could could use the participant number to decide which stimulus-file is or which rows of a stimulus file are shown to a participant. So, the question should one participant see all topics or just one? Will you have an even distribution of the topics across participants? The experiment should run online?
Best wishes Jens