Hello !
URL of experiment: https://run.pavlovia.org/YouriLMora/iat_a1_test/html/
To skip instructions (in French) and get to the task, you can just press Enter instead of waiting for the timer of the space bar
Description of the problem:
I designed an IAT, where participants have to press the “e” and “i” keys to answer.
I have several routines involving code components for the feedback (if the wrong key is pressed, a red “X” appears until the correct one is selected). Everything works fine.
The problem is that at the beginning of each routine the text “default text” flashes (only once per routine, at the beginning).
I’ve browsed the forum for similar problems but replacing the default value of the feedback by spaces or random does not seem to work.
Also, what seems strange to me is that “default text” does not systematically flash. It is the case most of the time, but not always (while no changes are made in the code, just refreshing the page). Maybe this is the case because it is only one frame and it is skipped, or because I fail to perceive it.
I’ve tried numerous changes for the Begin Routine tab : var msg="" ; var msg=“random text” ; var msg=" " . I made sure to make the changes adequately for both Py and JS codes.
This does not seem to impact the “default text” flashing.
I made certain this had to do with the feedback because when I change the colour of the feedback, the “default text” changes color accordingly.
Here is my Code Component :
Begin Experiment tab
Begin Routine tab
I also tried with the Begin Routine tab leaved completely empty.
Each Frame tab
If needed (but I don’t think so), here is the full JS code :
if (resp_MascFem_2.keys.length > 0) {
if (resp_MascFem_2.keys[resp_MascFem_2.keys.length - 1] !== Reponse) {
msg = "X"; }
else if (resp_MascFem_2.keys[resp_MascFem_2.keys.length - 1] === Reponse) {
msg = " ";
if (resp_MascFem_2.rt.length > 1) {
resp_MascFem_2.rt[resp_MascFem_2.rt.length - 1] === resp_MascFem_2.rt[resp_MascFem_2.rt.length - 1] + resp_MascFem_2.rt[resp_MascFem_2.rt.length - 2]; }
continueRoutine = false; } }
Thanks a lot !