We are currently setting up an online experiment for a non-English speaking audience of elderly people that have memory deficits. Everything else seems to work swell, but the dialogs at the start and the end of the experiment, forced by Pavlovia are confusing to them, as not all of them are comfortable with computers, or English.
Would it be possible to customize the dialog texts?
The messages seem to be hardcoded, for instance the message at the end:
let text = “Thank you for your patience.<br/><br/>”;
In the function
async quit({ message, isCompleted = false } = {})
here: psychojs/docs/core_PsychoJS.js.html at main · psychopy/psychojs · GitHub
Customizing these should be a relatively easy modification to the API, and I think a welcome addition to the international users. I could do that locally, but not for the online experiment running over pavlovia.org.