URL of experiment:
Description of the problem:
Dear all,
I have a problem with an experiment I am importing to pavlovia. The experiment is running fine on Psycophy but not on Pavlovia. The issue is with a code component that is counting each hit, and presenting a screen with a summary of participants performance at the end. The message with the summary appears properly on Psychopy, but on Pavlovia appear just “doh!” and not the right message [(‘Voce acertou’ + str(nCorr) + ‘operacoes de 192, with an average reaction time of’ + str(meanRT)] that I really want. The “doh!” is just a marker to sign that the code did not summed the responses properly.
Does anyone know how I can do to fix this on Pavlovia?
nCorr = sum(study.data[‘totalacertos’])
meanRT = average(study.data[‘key_resp_2.rt’)
msg = ‘Voce acertou’ + str(nCorr) + ‘operacoes de 192, with an average reaction time of’ + str(meanRT)
Thank you