Experiment stops in pavlovia at the beginning of loop - version of psychopy different?

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem:
In short, I have an experiment that includes informed consent, some demographics and then 4 separate tasks that must be presented in random order. The experiment runs fine in builder, but when I start it in Pavlovia, it stops at a gray screen after the demographics routine, when the loop to randomize the tasks should start.

What is weird is that this experiment is a copy of a previous one, that we used in Pavlovia to assess about 200 participants in 2022. This copy was made because we had to remove some routines, that were no longer necessary. However, non of the removed routines were from the tasks, so the structure of the experiment is the same.

I found in some other threads that code components might be an issue - I have some code components that I use to show feedback to participants and compute & save correct answers for open-ended items in training and test loops. Is it possible that there are differences in the ways these code components work in the last version of Psychopy vs. the one in 2022 (PsychoPy 2022.1.1, version: 3.8.10)?


Pilot tokens expire after one hour. :grinning:

You can always revert back to a previous PsychoPy version by setting the version in the Experiment tab (Use PsychoPy version).

Best wishes Jens

Sorry, I forgot about link expiration :woman_facepalming:.

I tried to set the PsychoPy version to 2022.1.1 from the Experiment tab and synchronized with Pavlovia. However, now the screen remains at „Initializing the experiment…” and I found the following error in the Inspect section of the site.


The legacy Psychopy file is in the repository, but there is no .js file that matches the name of this file, as i it for the original one. I don’t know how to generate the .js file for this legacy task.
