Can't pilot the experiment - 403 forbidden

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem:
When I click on pilot, it gives an error: 403 Forbidden — nginx
I don’t know if it’s related, but the platform is set to unknown.

I’ve uploaded the experiment via syncing it from the builder.

I know there are many similar question, but they didn’t help me figure out the problem

Your experiment is private, so there is no way for us to take a look.
Did you change the state of your experiment from inactive to piloting?
Do you get any errors in the console?


I’ve made the experiment public.

yes, I’ve changed it to piloting

i don’t see any errors

Can you share the URL of the experiment once again?


I don’t know why I can’t attach the link
it’s / nasss / test_exp

I still do not have access to the project:
No information is available for this experiment. Either it does not exist or you do not have access to it.

Please make sure the link is correct, and the project is public.


ok, i think now it should work. the same link
(thanks a lot for looking into it)

Your experiment doesn’t include the compiled Javascript code, so there is no way for it to work in the browser.
The project you shared doesn’t include the builder version either, so I cannot inspect your experiment and compile it into Javascript code.

Can you please include the whole experiment?
